All corrections and or additions to application documents shall only be made by the Architect of Record for any documents or drawings bearing his seal, or by the Owner, for any other documents or drawings that are part of the permit application, not prepared by a licensed professional.


All corrections and or additions shall be made in a clear and legible manner. All corrections, additions and or deletions shall be clouded, initialed and dated.


Revised Submittals:

All revised submittals will include the original submittal plus the corrected drawings. The voided drawings will be marked “VOID” in the upper right hand corner and substitute sheets will be inserted directly underneath the original.  The entire set will be then scanned in a single portable document format (pdf). It can be submitted by email as an attachment (file size up to 25 mb) or on a thumb drive.


If there are Engineering Drawings that are being revised the entire set will be submitted in a similar manner and include all Architectural drawings as well as Engineering drawings with revisions. And voided sheets marked “VOID”


All resubmittals must be emailed to:

Do not copy or send it to anyone else.


Applicants are encouraged to wait until all zoning, architectural, plumbing and electrical reviews have been completed before addressing any deficiencies, in order to avoid multiple emails that can create confusion.


Submittals that do not comply with these requirements will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender.